Our Mission is: "To continue the over 100-year presence of family heritage, culture and rich human tradition on Isle Royale; to assure the preservation of historic family dwellings; to enhance the experience of NPS staff and Park visitors by serving as authentic links to Isle Royale's rich human history."

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Update June ,27 2003

We had a very successful meeting with Phyllis Green, Isle Royale Superintendent. Our meeting was in Duluth and was scheduled from 1300-1500 at the Inn on the Lake on June 19th. In attendance besides myself were, Grant Merritt, Jim Anderson, Stuart Sivertson, Sally Orsborn, Pat Johns and his son Sean. A power point presentation was made discussing the goals of our group. We emphasized our desire to make a contribution to NPS and the public. Jim Anderson made a very powerful presentation about his families history on Isle Royale. This presentation was a demonstration model of part of what a complete interpretive program would look like. Grant and Sally also made presentations. Phyllis stated that she was very impressed with our presentation.  Phyllis ended up staying until after 1600, asking questions and gaining new insights and a clear understanding of the objectives of our group. I cannot thank this Superintendent enough for taking the time to listen to the concerns of our families. Although Phyllis would not commit one way or another to work with us, we gave her a perspective that she had not seen before about what our families can do to contribute to Isle Royale. Our PowerPoint Presentations are attached to this site if anyone wants to view them.

2003 Isle Royale Families and Friends Summer Meeting

August 3rd 2003

Please try to attend our meeting which will be held on Barnum Island on August 3rd. This follow up meeting to the Minneapolis winter meeting will be critical to our success. We all know how difficult it is to get to the island, but your attendance is urgently needed. Once again David Stokes, award winning journalist from KDLH TV in Duluth will attend our meeting. He is investigating the possibility of doing a documentary on the Isle Royale families. In addition, Peter Oikarinen, the author of Island Folk will also be there. He is planning on updating his book and our group is going to assist him in doing that.

Transportation can be provided from Rock Harbor via the Voyageur ll on Sunday with the return on Monday morning. You must make a round trip reservations early, as this is a very busy week for the boat. Stuart has stated that if enough reservations are made they will run the Wenonah.  Accommodations will be available to everyone. We have enough beds to accommodate those that cannot sleep on floors, boats or in tents. You will need to bring a sleeping bag & pillow. Tent if you have one, and enough food and drink to accommodate a Sunday snack and breakfast on Monday. Dinner will be provided Sunday night (hopefully planked fish) among other things.

It would be really helpful if you could confirm either way if you can make it or not.

Voyageur ll Contact Information


PowerPoint Presentations

Click on the following link to download and Save
Primary Presentation (3 MB)

If you do not have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer,
you will need to download and install PowerPoint Viewer97.
Please go to the following link to download and for installation instructions.

PowerPoint Viewer 97

                            Our Mission Statement

To continue the over 100-year presence of family heritage, culture and rich human tradition on Isle Royale; to assure the preservation of historic family dwellings; to enhance the experience of NPS staff and Park visitors by serving as authentic links to Isle Royale's rich human history.


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Last modified: June 28, 2007